Hello CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,
I am getting this out a bit late as I just returned last night from returning my grandkids to RI. It is very quiet without them here and I miss them terribly, but it was wonderful to have almost two weeks with them! They are becoming good little farmworkers and like to do “that farm stuff”.
The rain is so welcome, especially as the blueberry harvest approaches!! This week’s list looks like last week’s with a few changes :
broccoli         $3/#
peas         $2.5/pt
pie cherries      $5/qt
rhubard         $2.5/#
salad mix      $3.00/3 oz
arugula         $2.50/3 oz
Boston lettuce   $3/bag
parsley         $1.5/bu
basil         $$2./bu
chard         $3/bag
Napa cabbage   $2.50/head
garlic scapes   $2/bag   (these are the beautiful flower shoot of the garlic, which is cut off to strengthen the bulb. They are mild and great sauteed.)
scallions      $2/bu
Blueberry syrup   $8/10oz bottle (our fruit and all organic ingredients)
Raspberry jam   $7/10oz jar      (same)
chicken         $3.75/# (this is probably the BEST chicken we have ever raised!)
eggs         $3.50/doz
lambs         priced by the cut
frozen pesto      $1.50/oz
So let us know what you want included in your order and we look forward to seeing you Wed., between 3:00 – 5:30 PM.
Thank you,