Dear CSA members,
As those of you who were with us last year will remember, this is the time for our group order from Fedco. Fedco is the organic growers supply that we buy most of our soil amendments from, located near Waterville. By ordering as part of a group we are able to purchase at about 50% of retail. This is a huge savings and one that we can pass on to you.
So we are asking that if any of you can send us your membership fee now, which is about a month earlier than the regular sign up date, this will help us take advantage of these huge savings. The fees will remain the same this year:
$10/week shares for 14 weeks = $140.00
$20/week               = $280.00
$30/week               =$420.00
In planning the level of your share, remember that we base our prices on the MOFGA price list which is derived from farm prices in Maine. We don’t know yet if prices will be higher this year. You may want to consider a higher share level to take a possible price increase into account.
Also, it will be very helpful to me in planning our planting for this year, to know for sure if you are re-joining for the 2009 season.
Thank you so much for your help. They are trying to get the order off around the 1st to the 15th of February – sorry for the short notice, but I just got the notice! Please reply so I can plan our order.
And, we do have eggs available if anyone needs some.
Enjoy the snow and stay warm!
Mailing address:
Shalom Orchard and Winery
PO Box 4
Franklin, ME 04634