Hello CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,
It is hard to believe we are more than half-way through the CSA season. This week will be the ninth pickup – only 5 more to go.
This week will be Alice’s last CSA Wednesday, as she will leave us on 9/6. She will be going to England and Scotland to WWOOF. Alice grew from apprentice to manager following my hospitalization and surgery. She has done a wonderful job under difficult circumstances. I am very grateful to her! She will be very missed – by us and by Pearl who has been her constant sidekick.
We welcome Mike, a WWOOFer from North Dakota. He just arrived on Saturday, having spent some time on a farm in Lincolnville before coming here. We are so fortunate to have such dedicated helpers here!
So here goes for this week:
frozen blueberries 3.25/# green beans 3.75/# peppers 3/# hot peppers – Jalapenos and anchos 3/# chard 3/bu onions 2/bu leeks 3.50/# potatoes (new dug) 3,50/# garlic 8/# zucchini 1.50/# patty pan yellow squash 1.50/# cherry tomatoes 3/# cucumbers – pickling $2/# slicing 60 cents/cuke green leaf lettuce 2.50/quarter # dill 2/# basil 1.75/bag parsley (flat leaf and curled) 2/bu 2/bu cilantro 2.50/bu cutting celery (leaf celery) 2/bu
organic fertile eggs 4/doz organic chicken (whole and quarters 4/#
lamb: ground 4/#
From Harmony Mill Dairy: John Pierce will drop off orders for Wed. pickup. We do this just as a convenience. If you don’t know Harmony Mill Dairy, it is a small dairy in Waltham. The milk is unpasteurized and comes in returnable 1/2 gal. bottles. John Edwards carries this milk as well as other natural food stores. These products do not count as part of your share, they are paid for separately.
whole milk 2.50/1/2 gal skim 2.50/1/2 gal bottle deposit (one time) 2.75 cream 2.00/1/2 pint ricotta 3.50/#, 2.00/1/2# cheddar (mild or sharp) 6.50/# ricotta-salada 2/1//2 # marscapone (unsweetened) 6.50/#, 3.50/1/2 #
We will look forward to seeing those of you who pick up at the farm between 3:00 to 5:30 PM on Wednesday. I will deliver to COA on Wednesday at 5:00PM.
Thank you, Charlotte