News of your CSA and our annual appeal

Dear CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,

I am sitting looking out of the windows at the huge drifts of snow in my yard and over the fields, with the snow falling, and thinking of Spring and that planting is just around the corner! We are interviewing apprentices now and ordering seeds and amendments. Soon it will be time to fill out our two inch thick re-certification packet for MOFGA.

This is the time every year that I appeal to our CSA to go ahead and join up if you are able. Early payments help us make our big order from Fedco and saves a lot of money, a savings which gets passed on to you. We need to get our order in with the Hancock County MOFGA Growers group in February, the sooner, the better. We are very grateful if you are able to send in payment for your share.

Here are the prices for this year: $15/week for 14 weeks = $210 25/week for 14 weeks = $350 35/week for 14 weeks = $490

We will continue to send out emails each week with the veggies available for the week and we will make up your order for pick up on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:30 PM.

We look forward to hearing from you!
