Category Archives: CSA Updates

Price List for 10/5/11- last pickup for the season!

Dear CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,

Wednesday is the last “official” CSA pickup – who can believe it? This has been a wonderful season for us – thanks to you and all the other supporters of the farm. Growing good, organic food – fruit, veggies, chicken, lamb and turkeys is our passion.

I hope to pick up the winter squash I am getting from another farm to supplement our light crop on this Wednesday and have it here that afternoon. Please let me know what you want me to order for your winter storage. I will send out another email with the varieties available (as soon as I hear from them), but I think the popular varieties will be available – buttercup, butternut,acorn, kobocha, delicata and spagetti.

We have CIDER!! We pressed yesterday, so it is on the list. Remember that cider freezes beautifully for the holidays. We will also have sunchokes, also known as Jerulalem artichokes, available this week. These are the tuberous bulbs of the yellow flowers that are in bloom now. They are very high in vitamin C and can be roasted like potatoes. I make a great artichoke relish, a Southern tradition of my childhood.

Don’t forget to order turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas. These will be available fresh, on Tuesday of Thanksgiving week.

This is the time to get in all the storage crops for winter – carrots, beets, leeks, onions, potatoes, cabbage, winter squash, apples, garlic – in addition to the great tomatoes, cukes, green beans, summer squash, lettuce and other greens. The abundance is still coming – what a beautiful time of year!

As an end of the season treat, Jim will smoke chickens by order. They are delicious!! They will be available Wednesday afternoon at $6.00/# – whole or by quarter.

We will be open for wine sales and special orders anytime – just call (565-2312) or email ahead.

So here goes:

regular tomatoes $3.00/# cherry tomatoes 3.00/pint lettuce (leaf and mix) 2.00/quarter # French Haricot beans 3.00/# celery 1.50/head summer squash 1.50/# green peppers 3.50/# cukes 2.00/# potatoes (all colors) 2:00/ # fingerlings 3.00/# Jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes) 3.00/# winter squash 1.75/# swiss chard 2.50/bunch kale 4.00/bunch cabbage (red and green) 2.00/# (heads are small) carrots 2.50/bunch onions (brown and red) 2.00/# leeks 3.00/bunch beets with greens 3.00/bunch garlic bulbs 8.00/# Wolf River apples 2.00/# (great for cooking) mixed table apples 2.00/# chervil 2.00/bunch parsley 2.00/bunch basil 2.00/bag mint 1.00/bunch blueberry jam 5.00/jar pesto (frozen in 4 or 5 oz containers) 1.00/oz applesauce (no sugar) 5.00/qt

Chicken: smoked (whole or quarters) $6.00/# whole and leg quarters 4.00/# breast quarters 5.00/#

Turkeys: Whole, fresh $4.50/#

Thank you, Charlotte

Price List for 9/28/11

Dear CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,

It is very hard to believe that there are only 2 pickups left in the season! The last pickup date will be Wednesday, 10/5. However, there are a couple of exceptions to this: we will be purchasing winter squash from another organic farm as our crop is so light (apparently it has not been a good year for winter squash in Hancock County). I will be picking these up on 10/12 and you can pick these up after that date. I will need orders for these – so let me know what you would like to have for winter. The varieties are buttercup, acorn, kobochu, delicata and acorn. Another is exception is for cider – we will have a second pressing on 10/15 and we invite you to come by for fresh cider! Also, of course, are for turkey orders. We will have those ready – fresh, not frozen – on Tuesday of the week of Thanksgiving.

For this week, we have added French Haricot beans and table apples.

So here goes:

regular tomatoes $3.00/# cherry tomatoes 3.00/pint lettuce (leaf and mix) 2.00/quarter # celery 1.50/head summer squash 1.50/# green peppers 3.50/# cukes 2.00/# potatoes 2:00/ # swiss chard 2.50/bunch kale 4.00/bunch cabbage (red and green) 2.00/# (heads are small) carrots 2.50/bunch onions (brown and red) 2.00/# leeks 3.00/bunch beets with greens 3.00/bunch garlic bulbs 8.00/# Wolf River apples 2.00/# (great for cooking) mixed table apples 2.00/# chervil 2.00/bunch parsley 2.00/bunch basil 2.00/bag mint 1.00/bunch blueberry jam 5.00/jar pesto (frozen in 4 or 5 oz containers) 1.00/oz applesauce (no sugar) 5.00/qt

Chicken: whole and leg quarters $4.00/# breast quarters 5.00/#

Thank you, Charlotte