Price List for 9/21/11

Dear CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,

Well, here we are at the official beginning of Fall and we are turning our minds to Fall work – harvesting storage crops, picking apples and making fresh cider. We will have our first cider pressing the weekend of October 1 and we welcome anyone who wants to come and watch/ participate. Check our phone message for the exact date as we will press on the best day of the weekend.

It is time to think about getting your storage veggies: carrots, potatoes, beets, apples, onions, leeks, garlic, preserves, applesauce and pesto! We will also be canning apple cider for storage.

It is also time to order your Thanksgiving and/or Christmas TURKEYS!! Get your name on the list while we still have them available.

There are only three more official pickup/delivery dates left. Of course we continue to be open for cider, veggie and wine sales until the snow falls or we run out!

For this week we have reduced the prices on lettuce, potatoes and summer squash. Beans are off the list this week, but we have a new planting of beans that will be ready next week. We have added rutabagas and beets with greens.

So here goes:

regular tomatoes $3.00/# cherry tomatoes 3.00/pint lettuce (leaf and mix) 2.00/quarter # celery 1.50/head summer squash 1.50/# green peppers 3.50/# cukes 2.00/# potatoes 2:00/ # swiss chard 2.50/bunch kale 4.00/bunch cabbage (red and green) 2.00/# (heads are small) carrots 2.50/bunch onions (brown and red) 2.00/# leeks 3.00/bunch rutabagas 2.00/# beets with greens 3.00/bunch garlic bulbs 8.00/# Wolf River apples 2.00/# (great for cooking) chervil 2.00/bunch parsley 2.00/bunch basil 2.00/bag mint 1.00/bunch blueberry jam 5.00/jar pesto (frozen in 4 or 5 oz containers) 1.00/oz applesauce (no sugar) 5.00/qt

Chicken: whole and leg quarters $4.00/# breast quarters 5.00/#

Thank you, Charlotte

Price List for 9/14/11

Dear CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,

This week we are adding regular tomatoes, kale, lettuce (both leaf and mix) and cabbage (red and green), applesauce and apples (Wolf River) to the list. We have to take eggs off the list because the chickens are not laying well with the shortening of the days.

We are still raking blueberries for frozen berries, so we will be calling those of you who have ordered bulk berries when they are ready for pickup.

So here goes:

regular tomatoes $3.00/# Cherry tomatoes 3.00/pint lettuce (leaf and mix) 2.50/quarter # celery 1.50/head summer squash 2.50/# green peppers 3.50/# cukes 2.00/# French Haricot beans 4.00/# new dug potatoes 3:00/ # swiss chard 2.50/bunch kale 4.00/bunch cabbage (red and green) 2.00/# (heads are small) baby carrots 2.50/bunch onions (brown and red) 2.00/# leeks 3.00/bunch garlic bulbs 8.00/# Wolf River apples 2.00/# (great for cooking) chervil 2.00/bunch parsley 2.00/bunch basil 2.00/bag mint 1.00/bunch blueberry jam 5.00/jar pesto (frozen in 4 or 5 oz containers) 1.00/oz applesauce (no sugar) 5.00/qt

Chicken: whole and leg quarters $4.00/# breast quarters 5.00/#

Thank you, Charlotte

Pricelist for 9/7/11

Dear CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,

I am sending this out early because we will be leaving tomorrow for a visit with all our kids and grandkids over Labor Day!!! We will be in CT where they still don’t have power, so I thought I’d better be safe and send this from here.

The only addition for next week is celery – otherwise the list is the same. We welcome Emma Mocke, a WWOOFer from Wisconsin, who is here for a while, we hope. So now our crew, in addition to Jim and myself, are Chelsea, Liz, and Emma. We wish everyone a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Be sure to place your orders for bulk frozen blueberries. They are $3.25/# and come in 5# bags. We are raking for frozen berries in earnest now, so we will be calling you to come pick up your orders soon.

CSA will be picking up on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:30 PM. We are promoting more sales from the farm this year, so for those of you who might just like to come by and pick up something that looks interesting, please come anytime. John Pierce of Harmony Mill Dairy in Waltham is willing to fill orders on his delicious products and deliver them here, so please email me if you want me to order from him any week. You don’t have to be in the CSA to order. Please reply to this email with your order.

So here goes: blueberries (if we are able to rake due to weather) 6.00/quart celery 1.50/head summer squash 2.50/# green peppers 3.50/# cukes 2.00/# French Haricot beans 4.00/# Cherry tomatoes 3.50/pint new dug potatoes 3:00/ # swiss chard 2.50/bunch baby carrots 2.50/bunc bunching onions 2.00/bunch leeks 3.00/bunch garlic scapes 2.00/bunch (these are the lovely curved flower of the garlic plant – it is milder than bulb garlic and great to cook with) fresh garlic 8.00/# dill 2,00/bunch cilantro 2.00/bunch parsley 2.00/bunch basil 2.00/bag mint 1.00/bunch blueberry jam 5.00/jar pesto (frozen in 4 or 5 oz containers) 1.00/oz

Chicken: whole and leg quarters $4.00/# breast quarters 5.00/#

Eggs 4/doz

Harmony Mill Dairy: whole milk 2.50/ half gallon skim milk 2.50/ half gallon bottle deposit 2.75 cream 2.00/ half pint ricotta 4.00/half #, 2.25/half # cheddar (mild or sharp) 8.50/# ricotta-salada 2.50/half #, 5.00/# marscapone (unsweetened) 6.50/#, 3.50/half # smoked ricotta-salada 5.50/#, 2.75/half #

We look forward to hearing from you soon, Charlotte and Jim

Peace With Nature