September 5 pickup

Hello CSA and Friends of Shalom Orchard,

sungold tomatoes!!! 3/pint

peppers (a few) 3.99/#

cukes 1/# (time for pickles)

squash 2/#

beets with greens 2/# (return of the beet greens)

leeks 3/bu

onions 2.50/#

potatoes 2.5/#

beans 3/#

cabbage (red and green) 1.50/#

carrots 2/bu

basil 2/4oz

fennel 3/bulb

garlic 7/#

homemade pesto 1.50/oz (packaged in 4-6oz containers)

whole berry blueberry jam 6/12oz jar

Don’t forget to start storing up on potatoes, onions and garlic for the winter!

Thank you,
